How Do I Get Unstuck?

I often get stuck. Like the can’t-figure-out-what-to-do-next kind of “stuckness.” It makes me feel stagnant. As if my brain can’t put together the next course of action to move forward and be a productive human being in my own life. Who can help me? Can someone tell me exactly what to do to get unstuck? Oh yes, that would be lovely!

Old ways aren’t always the best ways.

My efforts at getting unstuck have taken awhile to hone. In the past, it usually involved me waiting around until I stumbled across a person or a thing that brought some level of change into my life. Such as my Aunt Sue telling me about the newest app that effectively organized my work schedule and home responsibilities which made my days flow more smoothly. Or my sweet friend Dana who took me to her monthly book club which allowed me to delve into a variety of subjects that opened my mind to new perspectives and ideas. Or waiting for my boyfriend to do something fun and exciting and invite me along. Yep, my answer to getting unstuck was to wait around for external things or people to bring about change to me. It never crossed my mind that I was responsible in bringing about change for me.

What story are you telling yourself?

Certainly, change that comes from external sources is not bad. It can offer you new ideas and viewpoints that you may not come up with on your own. But I believe the best and most rewarding ways of getting ourselves unstuck come from within us. Take a moment to notice your thoughts. What kind of story are you telling yourself? Are you telling yourself that things will never be different? Are you telling yourself that you can’t possibly find a new partner/new job/new house/new life because of negative attributes you’ve given yourself? Are you blaming yourself or others for mistakes made in the past or reliving old patterns that don’t serve you anymore? Are you afraid/nervous/anxious/unclear about taking the steps necessary for change to happen?

Our thoughts are the starting point to getting unstuck.

When being stuck and my desire for change feels overwhelming, I literally encourage and tell myself to use forward momentum. If I do nothing, nothing changes. If I can just take a baby step towards something (anything!), there’s a shift in momentum, even if it’s tiny. And let me tell you, those tiny steps eventually add up! It’s also in that forward movement where I find small wins and those wins mean I’ve accomplished something. And when I accomplish something, I often feel proud of myself. See the pattern?

Encouraging Thoughts –> Baby Steps/Forward Momentum –> Small Wins –> Accomplishment/Movement Towards Getting Unstuck

If the idea of talking to yourself in a kind and encouraging way feels foreign to you, start there. Use a little forward momentum to begin exploring your thoughts and your inner voice. It can create a cascade of movement towards positive transformation and it’s a beautiful first step in creating change for you from within you. Then, keep going! We all get stuck from time to time and it can mean a million different things to a million different people. By focusing on your thoughts and using forward momentum, you have two powerful tools to create constructive change for yourself.

And while I’m grateful I found a better and healthier process for getting myself unstuck, it’s certainly not the only way. Do you have a different method that works for you? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

With Grace,


P.S. And if this resonated with you in any way, please share it with others. The more compassion and understanding that’s out there in the world, the better.

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